Thursday, January 24, 2008

Are You Waiting for "When"?

We spend alot of time talking about what we plan to do "when." For whatever reason, now isn't the time to find a new job, join the gym, have a baby, or make a move. It's always the conditional approach: "I'll do this as soon as that happens" or "I'll make a change when I'm ready" or "I'm going to have a baby when I have $15,000 saved in the bank." When you plan your life using the conditional approach, all you get are more conditions. When are you going to choose you and decide that today is as good a day as any to start living your life, on YOUR terms, in YOUR way, and for YOUR enjoyment? What will it take for you to be ready to take the leap? I've got news for you. None of us feel 100% ready for the leap or 100% sure that there'll be something to catch us wherever we land. The only thing we know when we make that leap is that we can't stay where we are, that where we've been hasn't served us well, and that the only place to go from here is up.

Join me today. Take the leap and register for my class. Don't wait. There are only a few spots left. More importantly, you can't keep waiting for the time to be right. Guess what? It never will be. The time is now. Stop waiting! Start becoming! Choose You!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is Your Net Worth?

Do you know your net worth? In order to get where you're going, you have to know where you've been. One of the first things we'll determine in "Choose You!" is your net worth. From a business perspective, net worth is equal to Total Assets - Total Liabilities. In my class, your net worth represents the value of your vision as compared to the momentum and investment of time, energy, and money you've put into your position. Vision and position are not the same thing. Your vision is what you were put here to do; it's the passion within you that represents a wealth of opportunity, advancement, and prosperity. Your position is where you are currently in your life and the energy and investment of time and money that has brought you to this moment. Clearly, the goal for all of us is to have a vision that is much more valuable than our current position, i.e. a high net worth. In class 1, I'll deliver the equation that will show you where this journey begins for YOU!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Have You Ever?

Have you ever found yourself in a place where nothing seems to be working out? Have you found yourself in a moment where you wake up, stare at the ceiling, and wonder why you're here on this earth, why you aren't living the life you thought you would be, and how you can make things different? We all have moments of quiet desperation where we wonder if our choices have been the right ones, if we can change things arond or if, maybe, its too late to undo the damage. We've been in a place where we feel like the people in our lives are fake or after their own interests or not who we want around us. But you can't condemn yourself for being in that place. You have to acknowledge it, respect what it is you feel, AND CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY. It's in THAT place that you can see clearly that everything you experience and everything you want are connected by one key factor: YOU. I've created "Choose You!" as a 4 week workshop designed for women only. Why? Because it's time that women have the room and opportunity to choose themselves, for themselves, by themselves. It's time for women to stop waiting and to start becoming and I have, through this course, created a sacred space where women can come and be themselves and find their purpose and live their dreams and NOT feel ashamed or judged or unwanted for doing so. Everything that's in you has to come out. It can come out in the form of regret or it can come out in the form of fulfillment. YOU CHOOSE! Don't miss out. Sign up for this course today.

CHOOSE YOU! 4 Week Workshop

Course Dates:
Monday, August 4, 2008 - Monday, August 25, 2008

Time: 7 - 10 PM
Location: Online
Cost: $35.00 (includes course manual, worksheets, and all other materials plus one 1/2 hour coaching session)
How to sign up: Click on the PayPal link located on the right side of this screen

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Excerpt from "The Wait"

"Choose You!" is a 4 week course designed especially for women. It is based on my latest book, "The Wait." To get a feel for what you'll be learning in my class, read the following excerpt from "The Wait":

"Simplicity is not the same thing as mediocrity and so many of us confuse the two. You were born to be great. You were born to make choices that declare and make use of that greatness. You were not born to suffer or to live in poverty or to be with someone you don’t love. Keeping it simple means being who you are and knowing that that is enough."

This course is delicious. If you haven't signed up yet, sign up today. Limited spaces remaining!