Monday, December 31, 2007

Own Your Destiny

We all have a story to tell. The great part of that is that we are the writers of all the stories of our lives. Unfortunately, we oftentimes would rather play the role of the victim than the victor. One of the the major concepts we'll be discussing in "Choose You! 4 Weeks of Transformation comes in understanding and taking responsibility for our own destiny. No matter what the experience or the circumstances, we choose how we see the world, what we take from those experiences, and we can either use that interpretation as momentum, propelling us forward into our destiny or we can use it as an anchor, holding us down and keeping us stuck in one place.

I had my first child at the age of 18. I was a junior in college and it was an experience I thought would never happen to me. But my choices led to that result. I could've gone down many roads. As the writer of the story of my life, I chose to have my son. It wasn't easy. I stayed in school full time, worked full time at night (third shift) doing data entry, and maintained a 4.0 average. I had my son and continued to work and completed my MBA two years later.

I accomplished these things because I saw myself as the director of the play called my life. I used what was an unexpected, seemingly difficult road and transformed it into the momentum I needed to finish school and move into a place of financial security.

I'm not saying that my choices should be everyone's choices. What I am saying is how you take in the experiences of your life determines, to a great extent, the direction you gear the rest of your experiences to.

In my class, you will see that you own your destiny and you will learn how to make the experiences of your life work for the fulfillment of that destiny.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Choose You! - Podcast 1 is Now Available!

Podcast 1 (Choose You) is now available. Click on the MP3 box to the right on this blog and you can hear a 3 minute clip called "Choose You." Don't forget to sign up for "The Wait" 4 Week Transformational Seminar that's being held in Los Angeles, California starting January 23, 2008. Spaces are filling up fast!

The best (and quickest way) to sign up is using PayPal:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Time is Now

In this very moment, you hold the power to change your life. In this split second, you are able to feel the greatest amount of joy, passion, ecstasy, and love. In this very experience, you hold the key to every future goal and plan you've got in your mind. But what are you doing with this present moment? Are you focused on what will be or on what is? Are you committed to being all those things or to "becoming" them? Are you thankful for all that you are because you know that all that you are right now contains the potential and map to all that you will ever be? Do you hope for the future or are you anchored in the thought that you create your future? These are the questions that I pondered as my life flashed before my eyes over this past weekend and I know something so clearly that I didn't know before Saturday: the time is now. Whatever your dream, whatever your goal, whatever your plan, start it now...

Take my course and learn how to begin today!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why You Were Born Is Not Waiting For You To Become

Have you ever had a moment where you wonder, “Why was I born?” or “Why am I here?” I had a moment like that last night and I grappled with the concept and thought maybe where I am in my life, doing what I’m doing, being who I’m being isn’t where I’m supposed to be or maybe I’m somehow off track. But, if life is a journey and if every step we take leads us to the grander picture of discovering more of who we are, how could that even be possible? It can’t. So I woke up today and went about my day with one intention and one intention only: to live life on purpose. Not knowing my purpose any more than I did yesterday, I woke up and decided that I would choose to live every moment of today with a security and trust in my own inner knowing, a sense that no matter where it is I’m supposed to be, do, or go, as long as I’m living each moment open to experience and ready to serve in any and all ways possible, I’m living out my own destiny, fulfilling my purpose in every moment by being who I am to whoever I can be in that very second. Needless to say, it’s been a phenomenal day and the one lesson I’ve garnered from last night’s emotional struggle and today’s exuberant joy is this:

Why you were born is not waiting for you to become. It’s you, right here, right now, in this very moment. You being you in every moment and you allowing you to share that experience with others, to witness their lives and have them witness your’s, that’s why you were born. It’s not a scheme, it’s a vision and visions are developed one thought at a time, one moment at a time. Why you were born is not waiting for you to become and you shouldn’t be waiting either. Just be…